Power problems.... Ground, dedicated lines, ect

Might have listed this in the wrong place. Sorry for the double up.

Here is a topic I would love to know the "real answers". Who do you hire to check out your home power coming from your local power company? I had a "local" electrician install 2 dedicated 20 amp outlets. But something tells me my power is not "right". For example, the lights dim when the air conditioner comes on.

1. Can you call your local power company and be assured that the power coming to your breaker box is "right"? How do you get proof? What questions do you ask and are shown that it's right?

2. Is there a brand of breaker box better than what may be installed?

3. Ground? How do you "know" you ground is fully grounded?

4. How do you check outlets? Or find outlet problems?

I have read on here and agree that the best way to build a good system is to start with your power coming to your equipment.

I am using a Furman Elite 20 PFi. Which is their latest greatest before going to their reference products.

I also contacted my cable company and they are changing the signal booster to the new model that is supposed to be up to date.

Any help or info would be appreciated.
Power quality is something that utility companies are starting to take seriously as they know the grids are loaded with motors, computers, digital electronics, variable speed motors, etc. What these do is poison entire neighborhoods with noisy ac power making the possibility of electronic component failure higher. They already shell out enough in spoilt food payments during blackouts and foresee more liability with power quality problems as well. Chances are that your utility has a power quality figurehead in a cubicle somewhere and they may very well come out and test. You can do it yourself, but the testing equipment costs thousands of dollars. Or you can try the bigger electrical contractors to see if they offer power monitoring services. But there's really very little you can do on the cheap to correct any utility power issue. The only way is a UPS/Converter system or a shielded isolation transformer for the whole house. You talking Lexus sticker price here.

As far as the air conditioner dimming the lights, that is normal to a certain extent. It the lights really dim, what that could mean is the a/c unit could have a worn-out start capacitor. This capacitor gives the a/c unit the surge it needs on startup and if it's bad then all the startup power is sucked up through your panel. If it's an outdoor unit, that draws a lot of current on startup normally. Also, tungsten light bulbs are very sensitive to small voltage drops so the effect is worse than it seems. One of the solutions is to increase the capacity of the house panel to 200-amps if it's already not that. This will lessen the effects of motor start-ups but not eliminate it. The reason is that the utility transformer serving your house is very stingy with current delivery and there is an inherent large voltage drop at your service panel. It's done on purpose so your house won't see a tidal wave of short-circuit current should one of your household motors short out.

Most power quality problems you can check and correct yourself are: the ground connection from your panel to the water pipe or ground rod should be tight and corrosion free,
the feeders at the main panel should be tight at the breaker lugs, the neutral bus should be bonded to the ground bus, the ground bus jumper bond should be tight, all circuit breakers should sit tight, breakers more than 20 years old should be replaced, all circuits should have their own neutral, all circuits with GCFI receptacles should be on a dedicated circuit. Also, these should be on dedicated circuits: refrigerators, microwaves and window air conditioners. Place these circuits at the bottom of the panel to minimize voltage drop to other circuits, especially 2-pole breakers for well water or septic pumps.

As far as testing, a simple 3-light plug-in tester will tell if you're wired correctly. Here's a hint: wherever you see junction boxes, open them up and make sure the wire connector nuts are tight and the grounding is continuous. Also make sure there's no electrical tape UNDER the wire nuts. That's about all you can do yourself without spending serious money.
I called the engineer at Furman and he said I had a ground loop problem. He suggested I call a local TV or Radio station and find out what electrical company they used. Sure enough they ( local TV station electrical contractor) had a mans name who was the "ground loop expert ) The Furman engineer told me that "power problems" for audio/ video broadcast is more schooled on power issues. ( made sense to me ) I will post the findings and or solution when I get the work done.
Ground conduction can be tested with a 'megger'. ask around until you find an electrician that has one and knows how to use it.
I, too, have a 100amp panel and a 20amp line to over 1kw of amplifier. No Problem!
In the old days, my Carver Cube could make the house lights flicker in time to the music! Now, I can turn it up to nose bleed levels without a flicker. And, with the A/C on.
For example, the lights dim when the air conditioner comes on.

That is quite normal. As you draw more current the voltage tends to drop - often the current draw when an AC starts up is very high - your lights should not remain dim but the slightest flicker is not at all uncommon.
First and easiest approach is to make sure everything is in the correct phase.. This means your Neutral is actually connected to the neutral spade etc... on the outlet not the Hot... They sell "3 Prong" power testers that you pick up at the hardware store for between 8 and 10 bucks, they have 3 led lights on them, each light indicates a different issue with a legend key to tell you what it means right on the unit.. Basically you can not hook this tester up wrong, or do any damage, it plugs into a 3 prong outlet and automatically knows if you are missing a ground somewhere in the system, or have a reverse polarity etc..

You will want to go and plug it into each and every outlet you have hooked to your system, If one outlet has an out of phase connection and its just your CD player for example running off it, than its not in phase with the rest of the stuff plug into the other outlets, this can make a very thin and less dynamic sound for sure..

Problem is with A/C power units will still power up if phase is wrong normally, but if you ever look at an outlet you know one SPADE is a little Larger than the other and you take Power connectors on your cable and see that one SPADE is KEYED larger than the other as well so you can only plug it in one way... However that does not mean that the Wire in your wall is not hooked to the back of the outlet in reverse because they all fit anyway you want!

This could cause you to have more noise and dim lights too from what I understand if you have your refridgertor or washing machine etc... Plugged in out of phase as well because the outlet is installed backwards on that unit, and it goes all the way back to your panel so it can effect other things upstream...

Best thing would be go and plug this device into all the outlets in your home and check the phase on everything and correct any that are wrong.. Obviously this would not effect the performance of your microwave or alarm clock but could cause Video and audio issues I guess..

I have no clue if this will help, but I have done this in the past and had better results. here is a link to the type of tester

Oh and I am sorry wrong terminology I did not mean phase exactly but POLARITY Testing all your outlets see link
