Power supply for ethernet switch?

Hi, All,


LOVING my DENAFRIPS Hermes/Pontus combo! WOW what a difference adding the Hermes made. I could not have been even hopeful for the improvement this made!


I just bought the TP Link TL-SG105 Ethernet Switch. I have been contemplating so many different paths here, including the setup from Small Green Computer with the Optical Module, power supply, etc. Very intriguing. But that's a little expensive and a lot of added wires,components, etc. I was also looking at the Silent Angel Bonn N8 switch...Would love to get some opinions on just adding a power supply to my new TP Link switch or would one of the other paths mentioned above be better?


If adding a power supply to the TP Link would be a worthwhile improvement, any recommendations, maybe even the 5V power supply from Small Green Computer?

Thanks in advance for your time and advice😊


@kingbr do you require a switch? Are you splitting Ethernet? Or are you counting on the switch to improve something? If it’s the latter you’re going to be wasting your money. 

I love the Pardo linear supplies, i mostly pick them up used… I have my Netgear high performance switch on it, i try to banish wall warts or at minimum get the plugged into a Furman 15 i.

I do convert to optical also… 

@fastfreight thank you for the recommendations. Unfortunately the switches you mention are too rich for my blood at this point…was trying to keep it under 1K, even less actually.

@audphile1  I actually do need a switch. That’s what’s driven me down this rabbit hole as I have now read so much about them and how some say it can make a difference. So I figured if I’m going to get one and that it can make a difference with an outboard power supply, etc, I figured why not look a bit deeper…

I’ve been back and forth with Andrew from Small Green Computer and he’s been great! So responsive. According to him the Optical Module is the piece that will make the biggest difference. 

Thanks to All for your time and advice. Still debating which path to go😬

Denafrips IRIS + Pontus II + TP Link w/ LPS + fanless mini PC source w LPS, + separate power line from panel w/ true earth ground streaming Qobuz; each piece made a difference. IRIS + Pontus biggest improvement followed by separate power line.  LHY LPS relative inexpensive tweak. All worth it w resolving system. 

@trivema COMPLETELY agree about adding DDC to Pontus! I had a rough go of it getting off the ground (having some static issues and a bit of a rough go getting the combo with I2S nailed down), but once everything got straightened out I was floored! Adding Hermes to Pontus was probably every bit as big a jump as adding Pontus to my system. Never expected that big a difference...And thank you for sharing your experience. My system is definitely revealing enough to warrant any tweaks. 


Bottom line for me is I needed to add an ethernet switch anyway, so if there are switches/power supplies, etc that can also make a difference, why not explore that, right?