Power supply for ethernet switch?

Hi, All,


LOVING my DENAFRIPS Hermes/Pontus combo! WOW what a difference adding the Hermes made. I could not have been even hopeful for the improvement this made!


I just bought the TP Link TL-SG105 Ethernet Switch. I have been contemplating so many different paths here, including the setup from Small Green Computer with the Optical Module, power supply, etc. Very intriguing. But that's a little expensive and a lot of added wires,components, etc. I was also looking at the Silent Angel Bonn N8 switch...Would love to get some opinions on just adding a power supply to my new TP Link switch or would one of the other paths mentioned above be better?


If adding a power supply to the TP Link would be a worthwhile improvement, any recommendations, maybe even the 5V power supply from Small Green Computer?

Thanks in advance for your time and advice😊



An audio engineer? Is that like a sanitation engineer?

Now watch some youtube videos from someone who actually knows something:


why digital circuits influence sound quality

Post removed 


My, my. Saying the f word to another forum member. And I am the one who needs to calm down? 

@mclinnguy yea I don't tolerate people coming at me with attitude and talking to me like I said or did something idiotic, like ignorantly ask if an 'audio engineer' is like a "sanitation engineer".