Power - where to start? Mains, chords, conditioner, filter?

I have a decent HiFi setup with all power cables as delivered by the manufacturer of the unit. I am contemplating upgrading the power infrastructure, but is a confused where to start? What makes the biggest bang for the buck? Power chords to each unit, mains blocks, mains conditioner, mains filter? Any advice before I move into this world? 

I have a streamer from Innuos being used for Tidal and Internet radio. A DAC from RME and an integration amplifier from Musical Fidelity. 

I live in a flat in a capital and the electricity is probably good, but for sure the SQ is better late evenings, which to some extent is leading me down this route. 
To the OP. I would start with power cord on the integrated amp. It should be at least 12 gauge conductors, preferably 10 or 8. 
Some power conditioners can actually degrade the SQ of your system. Right now, I’m using a whole house surge suppressor connected at the meter and my ps audio amp plugged straight into the wall. I’m not worried about surges/lightning strikes damaging my gear. I have been looking at the new ps audio regenerators like the p12/p15 which is a whole different animal than a conditioner. If you purchase in stages, get the dedicated lines, better outlets, and better power cables
The OP is an apartment dweller - no dedicated lines, only better outlets and power cords. Yeah, conditioners and regenerators is a complicated subject.
In any case, nothing will create a situation of perfect power, big custom batteries might come close. The best place to start is to have equipment with great power supply. Then power cords and outlets.
Personally, I am finished with this stuff for now, I simply need much better amp and motor controller for the turntable.
I heard IsoTek power conditioners at an audio show and they made the sound better. They have solution from a couple of hundred dollar to about $5000. The more you pay the more advanced they are. You will have to try in your home to see if they are worth it for you.
@williewonka the Yeti don't seem to be made for audio. It probably works great anyway. If you want to try a (much) more expensive version of the same idea, made for audio, there is Stromtank.
