Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused

17 of 23 speakers in my studio and home theater systems are internally powered. My studio system is all Genelec and sounds very accurate. I know the best new concert and studio speakers are internally powered there are great technical reasons to design a speaker and an amp synergistically, this concept is much more important to sound quality than the vibration systems we often buy. How can an audiophile justify a vibration system of any sort with this in mind.



When you get a pic of your room posted, a list of your components and your measurements we can discuss, NP.

@kota1 ya I don't think bass makes midrange sound better because it is part of a harmonic foundation, of course I'm not talking about music I'm talking about comfort in listening to your entire sound system. I understand how fundamentals, harmonics 5ths, 3rds and the rest of musical chords work. I not exactly sure but it seems like this ideas isn't true because in ambiences in nature or used behind a movie scene the low end sets the tone for content feelings high end sets the tone for bad feelings to be overly simplistic . Actually sound in movies is a lot like music ambiences random sounds can be signals to make you comfortable, or discontent, it's not about harmony in chords it's more about the lack of assaulting mid and high frequencies and the addition of warm low end when you are supposed to feel a certain way. As far as why the bass makes such a difference in midrange in music I do think harmonics help but remember there are always harmonics and good sub energy is not about the fact that there is low end present but the way the low end acts in the presentation of the music, in other words bad sub sounds don't help even though the harmonics are still there. 

@kota1 ya I don't think bass makes midrange sound better because it is part of a harmonic foundation, of course I'm not talking about music I'm talking about comfort in listening to your entire sound system. I understand how fundamentals, harmonics 5ths, 3rds and the rest of musical chords work. I not exactly sure but it seems like this ideas isn't true because in ambiences in nature or used behind a movie scene the low end sets the tone for content feelings high end sets the tone for bad feelings to be overly simplistic . Actually sound in movies is a lot like music ambiences random sounds can be signals to make you comfortable, or discontent, it's not about harmony in chords it's more about the lack of assaulting mid and high frequencies and the addition of warm low end when you are supposed to feel a certain way. As far as why the bass makes such a difference in midrange in music I do think harmonics help but remember there are always harmonics and good sub energy is not about the fact that there is low end present but the way the low end acts in the presentation of the music, in other words bad sub sounds don't help even though the harmonics are still there. 

@donavabdear would not those natural sounds have harmonic structure? If the bass is not correct, then the sound is not correct. I have a different emotional reaction to what sounds like real thunder versus something that sounds like "fake thunder". One makes me think of summer storms, and rain. The other makes me think of bad EDM.

Perhaps another bad analogy. Do you ever go watch cover bands. The ones that try to mimic the original, will always be judged against the original, and if you can't do a reasonable Angus Young guitar rift, you will never be a great AC\DC cover band. Your brain can't not compare the original to what you are hearing. Compare that to a cover band that tries to make songs their own and not replicate the original exactly. It is often easier to enjoy those because you are engaged in the music, not engaged in a continuous comparison.


Your Paradigm Persona 9H bi-amped with 800 watts of SOA power will solve a lot of problems you didn't even know you had (harmonics, bass, whatever).

Going once, going twice: