Pre amp for Pass Labs XA30.5 – Tube or SS

I’m updating my system from the bottom up and have settled on the Pass Labs XA30.5 for power amp. The speakers are a pair of Harbeth C7-es3. Now I’m debating between getting a tube or solid state pre amp. Below are the ones I consider:

SS pre amps - Pass XP10, Ayre K-5xeMP

Tube pre amps – Audio Research Ref 3, LS27 used, LS 26, LS-17SE; Conrad Johnson ET-3, ET-3SE used, Premier 17; Leben pre amp.

Can you share your experience in any of these pre-amp with Pass Labs power amps? Any other SS or Tube pre amp that are worth exploring? Obviously, the Audio Research Ref 3 and LS 27 command a higher price.

I’m looking for a good synergy between pre-amp and power with correct output/input impedance matching. Music I listen include: vocal – both female and male, jazz, pop, chamber, symphony, etc. I’m looking for full-body mid, solid bass and extended treble, accurate sound stage, with a focus on vocal presentation.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by marakanetz

far not too many tube amps will be good with your amp and definitely not ARC of any model
you can try BAT VK51 or VK31SE, but using solid state preamp is encouraged. I'd choose Wyred4Sound for clarity and transperency.