Pre-amp opinions: SAE vs. Hafler

I've recently decided to upgrade to separates from my nad 7240pe receiver. For sources i'm using a denon changer and pioneer ct-f500 tape deck. I plan on upgrading the cd source eventually and picking up a tuner and tt (probably an AR xa or xb) once the funds are available. For a power amp i debated between a hafler dh-200 and sae 2200. Ended up with the sae which i should be picking up next week in good condition. My question now is about a pre-amp. I'm looking at a hafler dh-110 or sae mark ixb. Any opinions? i'm very new to audiogon and the high fidelity quest, which can be hard on a student's budget. However i'm looking for good clarity and accurate bass from my polk rt-5 speakers. Any info is appreciated. Thanks

Showing 1 response by rrog

If you bought the SAE amplifier then buy the SAE preamp. There will be no question about the two working properly together. Matching brands always takes the guess work out of whether or not two components will sound right together. Many folks will debate this theory, but I have mixed and matched components countless times. When matching brands between amps and preamps there is a rightness to the sound every time.