Pre-amp upgrade: need help, Please - Bent Supratek

Hi all,
I need your advise to upgrade my preamp. My speakers are Ellis 1801b and the power amp is Van Alstine's latest incarnation of Dynaco ST 70 - the Ultimate ST70.

I do not have preferences regarding tubes or SS. I do not care about a phono stage either, as long as I am using a separate phono stage with its separate power supply.

My budget: $1100 - $1200 (for a used one).

I was considering a Supratek, or a Bent NOH. From the more commercial stuff I was thinking to Rotel RC-1090, Vincent/Shanling SA-T1, Cyrus PreX and Linn Kairn.

I use to be a bass guitar player in a progressive rock band - so I love the lows to be properly presented: dynamics, transients, slam and tightness - ALL should be there.

Also, I do not like harsh and strident highs and lows.

I need at least 4 inputs (preferable 6) and just one unbalanced output.

Thank you for your help.