Pre amp with Atma-Sphere S30

I just bought the Atma Sphere S30 amp and am looking for a good mate for it.

Zu Presence speakers @ 101db/12 ohm.

Thinking on the Lamm LL2/FSP Deluxe MK3.


Any thoughts?
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Also, running balanced from preamp to amp won't cost much in terms of XLR cables. If you read Ralph's posts here, since the balanced design supports the 600 ohm standard, a pair of Mogami XLR cables will do just fine.

I'd be interested to hear how you like the S-30. I have my eye on one as my speakers were voiced with this amp.
I tried expensive ICs and Mogami's - I'm using the Mogamis, they do the job suprebly and they are cheap, VERY cheap of audiophile stadards.
I also have had great success with mogami cables.

They synergy of A-S gear working together is a big selling point for going with the MP-3