There are many good budget friendly alternatives that still get you what you want (eg LFD, NAIM, REGA OSIRIS, ?? Pick 'em)
When you move up, then the OPPO as your source suggests an upgrade also to marry up to the performance Of your new hi-end amp and speakers for two channel.
I had the Cambridge AZUR which is a clone of the OPPO with the same board, before I upgraded to the ARCAM Blu ray. All three are fine kit, but they were designed for video and manufactured multi-channel primarily for home theatre. None can compete with a hi-end separate high end player for two channel.
Consider a different upgraded source eventually to marry up to the performance of the new amp and worthy your speakers
When you move up, then the OPPO as your source suggests an upgrade also to marry up to the performance Of your new hi-end amp and speakers for two channel.
I had the Cambridge AZUR which is a clone of the OPPO with the same board, before I upgraded to the ARCAM Blu ray. All three are fine kit, but they were designed for video and manufactured multi-channel primarily for home theatre. None can compete with a hi-end separate high end player for two channel.
Consider a different upgraded source eventually to marry up to the performance of the new amp and worthy your speakers