Preamp Caps?Auricap,Mundorf, Hovland, jensen,solen

I have a preamp with only 2 Signal caps directly in front of two tubes shot right out to the amps, extreme simplicity and excellent sound. This is the first preamp that came stock with Auricap's I have owned or heard, most in the past have always had Multicaps, Kimber caps in my previous pre's. I can say I think the Auricaps are quite a bit better but not that expensive or the end all-be all that I understand. Now I have had some crossovers and a Preamp with Solen fastcaps in it, and they are the best in Bass I have heard out of all of them, not that it makes them superior just an observation. I have also purchased Jensens oil and put them in Tube equipment in the past, not bad but did not blow my doors off.. And Finally Hovlands, not my Cup if you know what I mean, I found them the most expensive and the least impressive, could be the mix of component used in, but whatever too dry for me. Mundorf is a little newer on the scene to me and I thought the Hovlands were pretty obscene in cost, however these are the new Cost and hype leaders from what I can tell today. I am considering trying the Mundorf Silver in oil supreme caps at no small cost to see if they are gonna create more magic than the Auricaps. . What is the character of this cap? I want very 3d and open yet still have some intimate warmth and very powerful bass. Is this a cap worth venturing over all the other explanations I left here? Needs a liquid sound, and get that fairly deep bass solen seems to be capable of for only a couple dollars a cap, cause I do not want to soften the already slightly soft Tube bass. Thanks to all that know about this tweaking and expereance with these caps . . Again its only 2 Caps, very easy to install so its hard to keep my hands off, but do not want to go backwards or waste the cause if its not gonna be very significant in this specific application, Anybody know of any good tube equipment or preamps using these mundorf super caps? By the way my tubes are Mullards NOS. Preamp manufacture would seem to be irrelevant here and yes I am pretty dang happy with the sound for the money already, but there is always more right 
Ha, yeah wow... totally dug this one up from the grave! Big changes over the years, now I totally tear apart and do everything myself, far simpler and way cheaper once you have some skill's and tools to do it, oh and ears that can find the right mix!

Yes best cap and newest over these spoken about back then are in fact the Clarity cap MR's as Sherod points out... Best cap for the money available today. Duelunds are great too, much better than mundorfs, but pretty pricey and very hard to get a hold of.
It was your post in Audiocircle, describing the mods you did to a Jolida phono preamp that convinced me to try out these new Claritycap MR caps. I had read in a few chat forums where these caps were being tried successfully in speaker cross-overs, but your post was the first where someone actually tried these new caps in an electronic component as a full-range capacitor. I want to thank you for introducing this cap to me. It has brought my preamp to a whole new level of listening enjoyment.
No problem, yeah they are also nice because they have a high voltage rating to be used universally to and extent over some of the exotic caps only good for crossovers.