Preamp making loud pitched morse code sound

I just hooked up the final parts of my system this weekend and am getting this pretty awful noise that I can't figure out the source of. I would be GREATLY appreciative if someone were able to help me out. I'm very new to the hifi world so needless to say, it's pretty frustrating to finally have everything hooked up and get an awful noise when I was expecting smooth sailing (silly me?). 

I have a cambridge cxa81 integrated amp and kef ls50 meta speakers that I've had for a few weeks now listening to digital music through Tidal until my turntable/preamp arrived and it's been a great experience. I finally picked up my turntable/cartridge/preamp on Tuesday - rega p6 turntable, hana ml cartridge and sutherland kc vibe phono at stereo exchange in nyc. the sales rep was very nice and put everything together for me in the store to make sure things worked properly before I left. When he hooked up my turntable/preamp to a receiver/speakers in store, it sounded great but it was picking up some radio frequency which we found very strange. We thought maybe it was an issue with where we were and that the issue would go away when I hooked it up at home. here is a video of the issue i'm experiencing. I've been searching online since this afternoon and can't really find an answer. Everyone I hear talking about the kc vibe raves about how quiet it is which is obviously the opposite of what I'm experiencing. As soon as I turn up the volume to around 10-11 o'clock, you start to hear it at a decent level, then it gets louder as I turn the volume up. It's subdued when I actually play music, but you can still kind of hear it in the background if you try, or put your ear closer to the speaker. 

What I've tried from the time I've spent online looking for an answer: turned phone on airplane mode and turned off router (not sure how much that'll since I live in Brooklyn where RF/EMF is flying around everywhere), plugged the preamp into a different power source then everything else is plugged into, moved the preamp further away from the system setup, unplugged my tv...I think that's it so far. 

I also plugged my previous turntable, audio-technica lp120 to the kc vibe and still hear that sound. When I plug the lp120 straight to the receiver and use the onboard preamp, I don't hear anything. 

There's absolutely no noise when I switch the input to listen to music digitally, just when i turn the preamp on. 

Any suggestions? 
I've had a similar issue,  In my case it was an AC issue where other devices where sending hight frequency. to solve it got one of does iFI AC Purifier.
Hope this helps
I just had a very similar issue and it had to do with the step up transformer in my phono stage picking up noise generated by my Google home wifi router. A good way to check if it's that kind of interference is to literally pick up the unit while it's on and see if the sound changes. If it does, it's something fairly nearby. If you're wifi router is close I'd move that and see if it helps.

I recently had an experience where I had a wifi router too close to my system. Everything was okay (CD and streamer) but when I turned on my phono pre-preamp, Conrad-Johnson Premier 6, it would pick up RFI from the router that sounded like the alien transmissions in the movie Independence Day. Turning the router on and off confirmed the problem. I wound up buying a long Cat8 cable and moving the router to the other side of the living room.

In your case however it sounds like you’ve turned off all close sources of RFI that you can with little to no effect. To key clue to me was that you heard the same sound at the store... IMHO I would return the Sutherland and try another/different step up device. It sounds like it’s simply too sensitive to RFI in your environment. (Frankly I’m surprised they let you walk out with it if it was acting up at the store.) Let us know how it goes.
Happy listening.