Preamp Necessary?

If the only source is a cd player, is a preamp needed or can you simply run the cd player directly into the amp? Are there nice sounding cd players in the $1000 to $2000 price range that offer volume control?
There is a previous thread on this topic in the Sound Advice section titled "CD direct to Amp," but, in brief, yes, all you need to go direct to amp is a CD player with variable outputs/volume control. You can get a used Sony XA7ES in that price range, just as an example.
another exapmle (and just a bit north of $2000) is wadia's 830. it should be coming down a bit as the introduction of the 831 is just around the corner. there is a good selection out there. as daddyo suggested, take a look at that other posting. it is pretty exhaustive and, as you'll read, some people have pretty divergent opinions. as always, experiment and trust your own ears.