Preamp recommendation please..


I'm looking to buy a 2nd hand preamp, to match my Krell Evo 302e amp.
Speakers are Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand.
I like setups based on tube preamps and SS amps, but this is not a must.
Most important for me: Transparency, Musicality & Drive. Smooth sound, not thin or clinical.
Fully balanced models are preferred.
Budget is around $3k.
Any help and information would be greatly appreciated.


ModWright LS 36.5. Guarantee it has more PRAT than the LS27. I've heard many newer ARC and they are very nice preamps; not referring to the Reference models here. Latest ARC I dragged home was a LS25 MKII. It was a very nice pre; very clean, not sterile but I preferred my former ModWright SWL 9.0 SE for having more drive and being musical.

I wanted to go balance into my Pass so ended up with the ModWright LS 36.5 which is a killer preamp. Hands down bettered my SWL and the ARC LS25 MKII. I'm sure the LS27 is better than the LS25 but bet it is similar in its overall presentation; very nice neutral pre but not much drive. 

Thanks adg101.

Any SS candidates?

MBL 5011..  Music culture.. Electro-Companient..  are these preamps tranparent, smooth-sounding, with drive? or others.. Tnx.

Pass Labs XP10. Reno HiFi often has used units around $3K. Mark offers a 30 day money back trial. Doubt you return it. 

I agree with adg101, re the Modwright 36.5  and ARC. I use an ARC 75 SE power amp and very much like the ARC pre's, but I think they are expensive at full retail. I bought the 36.5 and it is staying where it is. I compared it to the ARC Ref 3, not at the same time, but I clearly prefer the Modwright, at a big saving.

 I am sure the ARC Ref 5SE would be better than the 36.5, but at more than twice the price? I had a listen to the two box 36.5 when I bought mine, it really is very good indeed and again, much cheaper than the REF 5SE


another recommendation for ModWright... i use an SWL 9.0SE with a SS amp and absolutely love it.  i prefer it to all my previous preamps (Aesthetix and Pass Labs amoungst them).