Preamp recommendation please..


I'm looking to buy a 2nd hand preamp, to match my Krell Evo 302e amp.
Speakers are Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand.
I like setups based on tube preamps and SS amps, but this is not a must.
Most important for me: Transparency, Musicality & Drive. Smooth sound, not thin or clinical.
Fully balanced models are preferred.
Budget is around $3k.
Any help and information would be greatly appreciated.


Pass Labs XP10. Reno HiFi often has used units around $3K. Mark offers a 30 day money back trial. Doubt you return it. 

I agree with adg101, re the Modwright 36.5  and ARC. I use an ARC 75 SE power amp and very much like the ARC pre's, but I think they are expensive at full retail. I bought the 36.5 and it is staying where it is. I compared it to the ARC Ref 3, not at the same time, but I clearly prefer the Modwright, at a big saving.

 I am sure the ARC Ref 5SE would be better than the 36.5, but at more than twice the price? I had a listen to the two box 36.5 when I bought mine, it really is very good indeed and again, much cheaper than the REF 5SE


another recommendation for ModWright... i use an SWL 9.0SE with a SS amp and absolutely love it.  i prefer it to all my previous preamps (Aesthetix and Pass Labs amoungst them).
The amp has an input impedance of 100k ohms.  That opens up the field to include most tube pre-amps. 

My suggestion is to try to find a used Herron VTSP-3 even if it might be a little above your budget.

An alternative would be a Herron VTSP-1. 

Keith Herron can bring both up to the latest specs and even take the VTSP-1 far beyond its original performance.  The VTSP-1 at the current mod level is quite good.
I would look for a Krell EVO 222 preamp!  CAST is incredible.  CAST cable at 1.5k pair sounds better the XLR cable at 10k pair.  There is a speed, resolution, coherency to CAST that is one of Krell's ace up their sleeves.  The EV222 ought to be around your budget too.  The even better EV202 (2 chassis) preamp might be found at a steep discount that's close to your budget...maybe?  Krell power amps sound especially good with Krell preamps.