Preamp Recommendations for Parasound Halo JC-1's?

Just purchased my JC-1's and love them. Looking to upgrade from my CJ-PV10A. Any recommendations? Thanks.
You might want to wait a few months. The JC-2 preamp is coming out and was shown in relatively finished prototype form at CES. (disclaimer - I'm a Parasound Halo dealer) If you can't wait the Ayre as suggested by Ejlif is a good choice.
What is your budget and what are your sonic preferences? If you are willing to put up with a wait of a few months I would recommend one of the Supratek pres. I am using the Chennin with my JC 1s and it is fantastic. This pre paired with the JC 1s is as fast and lively with great slam as any solid state pre Ive heard including the K1X but retains the tube magic. I do like the Ayre but for my tastes the Supra is a much better fit. Especially given the price difference. Good luck.
Thank you all for your thoughtful advice. I believe I have a handful of solid recommendations worth auditioning. Looks like I may have a short wait before purchase. Wife just informed me if I keep up my buying streak (I've been a little free-wheeling this month), I'll be starting a new thread to ask you all for the name of a good divorce attorney.