Preamp shootout: Linear tube audio, Modwright, etc.

Hi Audio friends,

The world of preamps is taking me down a lot of rabbit holes and I'm curious what everyone out there thinks.  My journey here started with using my Dac direct to amp.  As soon as I inserted a dedicated pre the debate over pre vs. no pre ended.  Didn't realize I was missing a third of the music.  My current rig: wilson sabrina's, Coda TS v2 power amp, exasound DAC, silnote & cardas cables .  I was using a Modwright LS100 and I'm currently trialing the Linear tube audio ref pre.  The LS 100 is holographic, images well, but is not nearly as open or detailed as the LTA.  The LTA is gorgeous through the mids, but is a little muddy through the bass and not really suited for hard rock.  Wonder if different tubes would make a substantial difference to the LTA?  If anyone has experience please share. 

What other options might be considered in this price range?



With LTA, the 12sn7 isn’t the dominant circuit tube so stick with their stock ones which are quite good. However, definitely need to switch the small tubes for optimal performance. Removes glare.

Backert Labs is on my list, along with a few of the ones mentioned. Has anyone compared them?

I compared the Backert to a Rogue RH-5 (which is supposedly better than the RP-5 and rivals the RP-7), and preferred the Backert, though the difference was very far from night and day.  The Backert is also, for ease, a tube-rolling champ.

I am leaning toward the Modwright 36.5 DM. It is on next years wish list. Lots of time to do the research on the options. Thank you, 2LE.

If we had the,money as some of you guys do in here, would get a full McCormack monoblock pair 600@8ohm, the vre-1c preamp, Rotel 1572 CD player, 

and 2 bottles of Bushmills 21year single malt Irish whisky!