Preamp... Solid State or Tube

I am looking for 2-ch preamp that must have HT bypass option to mate with my existing HT processor.  

My budget is 10K for this upgrade.  Couple of preamps comes to mind but I have no experience with these components.  

Ayre KX-5 Twenty
Aesthetix Calypso 
My system consist of following components, 

Speakers - B&W 800D2
Source - Aurender N10,  Modwright Elyse DAC, Raysonic CD-128
Amps - Modwright KWA150SE (Pair of them being used in bridge mode)
Processor - Krell 707
Cables - Verastarr Grand Illusion Statement and Signature series

Any recommendations will be highly appreciated. 

Tube vs. solid state is irrelevant at the price point you're considering.  The only thing that matters is impedance matching. 

At $10K, the selection is pretty wide open.  My favorite and the favorite of many others is the Herron Audio VTSP-3A(r02).   I can't recall hearing anything I thought equaled it.  It does not sound like tubes, nor does it sound like solid state.  Not warm, not dry.  Vanishingly low distortion.  Extremely clean and detailed.  IMO, it doesn't have a sonic footprint nor does it impose itself on the signal.  It's just very transparent and true to the source. 

I own one.  I'm convinced. 

I would not hurt to call Keith Herron directly to discuss your system.  He is very open and honest.
Gotta be tubes for me. There some new preamps on the horizon from PS audio and the one from Decware I just preordered will be out in a couple of months.

I have Steve's CSP3 and love the sound for a relatively inexpensive pre but wanted a true balanced. A minimalist design, no circuit boards and he will put a HT bypass in if requested.

There's great tubed pre's and theres great solid state pre's . To say only one will do is just stupid . Wake up !
It comes to what do you have for a amplifier and how detailed it is 
I have been doing this for 40 years and In my opinion a great vacuum tube pre amp complements the Solid state you get better image depth and more dimensional  with Vacuum tubes.
Leading edge detail will be more defined with solid state preamp.
Also type of tubes makes a huge difference also
Budget has the biggest factor Coincidence has a great preamp 
For under $6k these tubes  were designed by Western Electric 
And refused to license to Anyone the A 21 tubes I believe that is the number are very natural. This is just my opinion and a solid example.pass labs makes a nice one Reno aufio sells used that are excellent.