Preamp & Subwoofer impedance mismatch?

I have Primaluna Dialogue Three preamp which according to Stereophiles has around 4000 ohms output impedance at around 20Hz and 2400 ohms output impedance at 1KHz and 20KHz

Right now I am hooking it to a Parasound A21 with input impedance of 33K ohms

However, I want to add a JL Audio E112 to my setup and was on planning using the build in high pass filter feature of it

The problem is, I just find out E112 has input impedance of only 10K and concern the mismatched impedance between my preamp and E112 will cause bass roll off

Do you guys think if I can eliminate the issue by add an active crossover between the preamp and subwoofer?
(I am looking at either JL Audio CR-1 with unbalanced input impedance of 50K or Marchand XM66 which either has 50K or 100K input impedance?)


Showing 1 response by justthinking

Hi Al,

Thank you so much for the feedback, I did a quick search on the forum and found your past posts regarding the impedance issue and learned a lot, I will defintly try your suggesting and see if I notice any bass roll off first

In the event that I decide to add a active subwoofer crossover, I assume it will essentially act like a SS buffer right? Since both crossover has high input impedance (50K / 100K) and really low output impedance (100 ohms / 150ohms)