Preamp suggestions 1200$ used

Hey everyone! thanks for taking the time to get this far and read my post!
I'm looking for a preamp for my system.
I'm an audio newbie, and my current system consists of the following:

Tyler Ref. Monitors
Rogue Magnum 88 amp
CAL CL15 cd player
SignalCable shotgun biwire (bananas)

currently using a Denon 1801 receiver as a preamp and I think that I could do much better than this receiver.
I'd like to ask for your help in building a short list of preamps 8-15 that I could follow up with some research and hopefully some inhouse auditions. Like I said, I'm new to this so any help is appreciated.

Things that are important to me:
1) resale value/demand (no joe's custom preamps)
2) I only use a cd player, other inputs are required
3) I need a remote volume control
4) I am using a powered sub along with my monitors so it would be nice if the preamp had a sub output (dunno if this is standard? or scarce?)
5) I dont have a preference to tube or solid, like I said, I'm a newbie, I just want SOMETHING for starters
6) I'm an upgrader, depending on the impact of the preamp I may choose to upgrade my speakers soon.

thanks for any help!

Showing 1 response by scottht

I thought that with the CL15 you did not need a preamp. Why don't you give that a try and use the volume control of the CL15