Preamp under $2,000.

Looking for a preamp under $2k. Found a great deal on a Rotel RC-1590 open box for $1,199. Anyone with experience with them? 
Does anyone know anything about the Musical Fidelity M6 PRE preamp?
I found one for $1,500. I have an M6 phono preamp that is fantastic. It seems to get good reviews.
Now looking over $2K a little. Found an AR LS17SE. I am between it and A Rogue RP5. The AR is older but in good shape. Both tube. Does one stand above the other??
If you don’t need a lot of bells an whistles, nothing at this price can touch the Linear Tube Audio MZ2. Nothing!
Check the gain on LTA. Could not get it past ten o’clock in my system. Sounds good though. 
Check reviews on the Schiit Audio Freyda. Supposed to be excellent, Under a grand tube hybrid. 
I think they are enjoying a surge in sales and there is a wait on products.
I am waiting for my Raganok integrated.
My Sciit has been backed up several weeks.