Mrtennis: What is "solor?" Regardless, you offer no proof -- just your opinion, which, given your stated preferences, isn't worth a great deal to many of us in Audiogon Land.
I have found that a Wadia 861 SE with the Great Northern Sound Company Reference mod run directly to my ARC VT100MKIII sounds pretty darn good with no "ear fatigue" whatsoever. It's crucial, though, to set the internal switches correctly so that the majority of your listening is done in the 70-100 volume range. A lot of people don't do that and conclude that it doesn't sound good. That is hardly the proper way to make an evaluation.
Oh, I tried several high-end preamps, including ones from Audio Research and Pass, and thought the Wadia sounded better IN MY SYSTEM without the preamp.
I have found that a Wadia 861 SE with the Great Northern Sound Company Reference mod run directly to my ARC VT100MKIII sounds pretty darn good with no "ear fatigue" whatsoever. It's crucial, though, to set the internal switches correctly so that the majority of your listening is done in the 70-100 volume range. A lot of people don't do that and conclude that it doesn't sound good. That is hardly the proper way to make an evaluation.
Oh, I tried several high-end preamps, including ones from Audio Research and Pass, and thought the Wadia sounded better IN MY SYSTEM without the preamp.