Preamps for $300 to match with B&K st-140?

Im trying to get a little more warmth and power to my JM Labs Chorus 706's so I picked up a B&K st 140 amp. Now I need a pre to go with it. I want something under $300 that has a tone bypass, and maybe a phono input. Im going used so vintage is ok. Tubes are good too. Thanks for the help!
I need a preamp with good bass reproduction. Do the preamps you guys have suggested do that?
A preamp can only give you whats there to begin with.Also the sensitivity of your amplifier will be a factor.I haven't used the Dared on a B&K. But from trying it with a modified Dynaco ST 120 60 wpc paired with Solilquy 6.3s and Paradigm 20v3s paired to an Adcom 585..rattling the windows wasn't a problem! The preamp cannot make up for deficiences in the source or the amplifier...unless your using tone controls, which I don't use. Tone controls can only do so much, it will always be at the mercy of the amplifier.
What about a PS Audio 4.6? Im working on getting one, if I cant get that it might be the Forte. Any opinions or other suggestions.