Preamps for $300 to match with B&K st-140?

Im trying to get a little more warmth and power to my JM Labs Chorus 706's so I picked up a B&K st 140 amp. Now I need a pre to go with it. I want something under $300 that has a tone bypass, and maybe a phono input. Im going used so vintage is ok. Tubes are good too. Thanks for the help!
A preamp can only give you whats there to begin with.Also the sensitivity of your amplifier will be a factor.I haven't used the Dared on a B&K. But from trying it with a modified Dynaco ST 120 60 wpc paired with Solilquy 6.3s and Paradigm 20v3s paired to an Adcom 585..rattling the windows wasn't a problem! The preamp cannot make up for deficiences in the source or the amplifier...unless your using tone controls, which I don't use. Tone controls can only do so much, it will always be at the mercy of the amplifier.
What about a PS Audio 4.6? Im working on getting one, if I cant get that it might be the Forte. Any opinions or other suggestions.
OK Here is the skinny ! I have a st120, st140 and 202 and the ex442Sonata! The bro5 is not a very good preamp! Reason why is that in active mode its grainy, a little gainy . In passisve mode the amps can sound kinda dark, boring ... Wile I feel the pro10 would do the trick I use a CS-117 or use the CS-115 . there the same units with or without tone controls ! I feel that with my cs117 and st120 power amp in passive mode with my speakers that are 93db it will fill a 12x13 room pretty easy and sounds very ,very nice. Tuby and laid back but still very musical ! Now in active mode it sounds is more ss sound but with much more attack .. I do like both, but it depends on what Im listening to at the time or the way I feel ! I I know the CS 117 was cheaper but in my opinion its a better pre then the pro5! I do like it as well on the EX442 better then my ref20 pre/pos at 2,500. bucks. B&K is a huge bargain for what you get !! Hands down the St120 is there best sounding amp!! The circuit is so simple its hard to believe it plays music! The CS117 is 10db gain which is plenty even for my little st120! With a CAL Terccet lll player I luv the combo!