Precise pivot to spindle distance

Does any know a protractor on the market with better resolution than Feickerts. I have a Breuer 8C which demands exactly 231.44 mm according to instructions.
Believe 1mm on Feickert, correct me if I´m wrong.
How much impact on sound I don´t know. Maybe I´m getting paranoid but really want to be certain about wright distance (or not).
Just interested in the P2S distance.

Many Thanks!
i also use the 8C and used a feikhert to set it up. i can get close to the 231.44, but not exactly using the feikhert, which reads in 1mm increments. i don't think that getting the pivot to spindle distance set to the second decimal place is required (or practically possible based on the fact that you have to eyeball the pivot centre on the arm anyway). then on top of that, you have to set the cartridge offset to the either baerwald or loefgrin scale, which again would overshadow any discrepancy in the p2s distance. the feikhert is easy to use and is very practical if you have more than 1 arm to set up (as i have). other protractors are dedicated to certain arms and may or may not be more accurate, but certainly not as flexible.
I'm not sure if this will help but you can go here:

and download Conrad Hoffman's excellent arc protractor generator. It will allow you to generate a custom protractor for your arm with that exact P to S distance among other things. Your choice of Lofgren A or B or Stevenson.

Worth a try as it will cost you nothing.

It's all I use anymore. Very effective and incredibly easy to align a cartridge using this arc protractor.
Thanks for your response.
Hdm,thanks for your tip but I just want to know about P2S distance not how to calculate arc for cartridge.
I already use Mint Protractor for my combo, but still I would like to measure distance. The sound is fine but the cartridge front is not parallell with headshell to get sweet spot.
Now here is where my paranoia makes me puzzled.
If any has had similar experience I´d be glad to know.
BTW cartridge used is AirTight PC-1.

Many Thanks!
Hi Corby, forgot to mention what a nice sytem/-s You have.
Never listened to Microseiki but heard a lot about.
I live in sweden where market is limited compared to US.

Merry Christmas to all!