Preference - Sonus Faber, Dynaudio or Focal


I am about to pull the trigger and purchase main speakers. After auditioning many I am down to 3. Sonus Faber Cremona M, Dynaudio Confidence 2 and the Focal Electra 1038 BE. I really like all 3 but have never been able to audition them in the same place. The Focal was never in contention as I was unfamiliar with them however they were awesome! I liked them over The B & W 802D and they were thousands less. I cant believe the sound that comes out of The Sonus, such a small speaker compared to the others I demo'd and just love the sound. The Dyno's really look appealing have a nice smooth sound.
A tough choice.
Any input would be appreciated.

Any input would be appreciated
Really tough choices. Chocolate or Vanilla?

I would focus on the music or instruments that you follow as major factor and electronics (tubes or SS.) Determine the strong points of M and 2.

Could you live with either M or 2 and be satisfied with listening experience for 5 years? If so it may not be a right or wrong selection.
IMO your choice is between the SF and Dynaudio. Both are excellent choices. I have owned the Dyns and they would be my first choice. I like their dynamics and overall sound and speed compared to the SF Cremona M which I find a touch warm and less dynamic. Give them both one more listen with your favorite music and take your spkr cables with you. Set the spkrs up in a similar configuaraion as you have at home.
I have had the Cremora M's for almost a year now. I use them with monoblocked Pathos integrateds and like them alot. I like their overall tonal balance and touch of warmth. It's too bad you can't compare them at a dealer. My Sonus dealer does stock Focal. But I knew I wanted Sonus from the beginning so I didn't compare. Good Luck.
Before I ever heard Dynaudio the Creamora auditors m were at the top of my list. I really liked the overall presentation although a little 'laid back and warm'. Then I heard the Dyn C1's and that was the sound I was looking for and just had to have them.

Now that being said this was at 2 different dealers. I brought my speakers that I wanted to replace because it was my reference of what I was used to and wanted to achieve. Needless to say I bought the Dyn's and since upgraded to the signatures. IMO the SF look better but I didn't buy for looks, I bought for the sound. That's my opinion

Good Luck