Preferred Audio Output, USB or 3.5mm?

What is the preferred 2CH audio out selection from an iMac (or PC) to my preamp, USB or the 3.5mm headphone jack? Either output will run through a separate DAC before the preamp. Mainly listening to iTunes or Pandora.
Rwwear: Yes, the mini display port on the latest MacBook Pro model does provide an audio signal.
How would HDMI be better?

Pick up an asynchronous USB or FireWire DAC and jitter will not be a concern.
I am currently using the USB port out of my MacBook Pro (latest edition) to connect with a Grace m902 using Grado PS2000 cans. I realize there are limitations with this set-up but I am more than pleased with the sound playing FLAC files using VOX (a free app). This is the best I can do for the moment as I am currently in Kabul, Afghanistan...
HDMI has higher bandwidth than USB and transmits video. Firewire is on it's way out. You will not find a new processor with it. You may find it on a few DACs.