Preramp for Adcom GFA 565's

Hi out there!

Any suggestons on a good preamp to mate with Adcom GFA565's?
The VTL is a good recommendation. Other tube preamps that you should be able to get for a good price (and with good reputations for performance) that you might also consider would be any of the following:
ARC (Audio Research) LS7 (and others I am sure, but I once owned the LS7 and as a result I know that would work well).
Golden Tube audio SEP 1 (I think that's the model number. I never owned one, but did own a couple of their amps SE-40s running in mono. Good equipment).
Sonic Frontiers Line 1,2, or 3 (depending on budget)
Thank you for the good suggestions.

This is hard - I keep thinking of reasonas to not pull the trigger on the amps.

Am I nuts for wanting to move to the Adcoms from a new Krell S300i? I would be picking up another 150wpc into 4 ohms, and a lower noise floor.

What speakers will you be using? I think the Adcom monoblocks would drive almost any speakers easily enough but they may be overkill for some. Thanks

I want to power Maggie 1.7's. Some of what led me to the Adcom's was that they are supposed to be good in the bass and I thought that might help the Maggies. I also feel that the Krell is a little bit...uninvolving. Want a weightier "richer" sound.


The Adcom monoblocks would supply the power that the 1.7's likely require, if they are anything like other Magnepans. My concern is the same as some of the other posters on this post and your other posts: the sound may be too sterile and neutral for your tastes.

A tubed preamp. with the exception of a few newer models, would help add some texture and dimension to the sound. But I would definitely try out the Adcoms prior to purchase if at all possible. You may also want to look at some high powered used amps like McCormack and Classe. Good luck on your search and let us know what you wind up with. Thanks