Primaluna and Rogue

Hey all, I've done a lot of reading on the Rogue Audio and Primaluna gear. I Like what I've read, and I actually heard the m150's a while back and came away impressed. I have not personally listened to any Primaluna gear.

Do any of you have thoughts either way? I'm looking at Prologue 6 & 7, vs. Rouges m120 and M150. A lot will have to do with what becomes available on Audiogon, but I am prepared to purchase Prologue 6 new if necessary. Thanks

I have not heard the Primaluna so cannot contrast the Rogue with them. Between the Rogue M120s and M150s, definitely go with the M150s. I have the Rogue M180's. If you go with the M150's someday you should consider the upgrade to M180. The M150s are faster, quieter and run cooler than the M120. The M180 is significantly faster and quieter than the M150.

I got my M180s with Gold Lion KT88s. I replaced the small tubes with NOS RCA 5751s and 12AU7s. I tried NOS Telefunken 12AX7s and wanted to love them because I know how rare they are, but I had to go with my ears, and for me that meant the RCA 5751s. Going from the 12AX7 to the 5751 was like going from ultralinear to triode all over again in terms of system quietness.

I also have a Rogue 99Magnum preamp. I replaced the 6SN7 tubes with NOS RCA 5692s.

The Rogue M180s suit me because I like a lean, articulate, fast bass along with the midrange and upper frequencies of tubes. For me the Rogues are a good balance of those qualities. Refining the sound with a little tube rolling is to me a must, not only for the Rogues but for any tube gear I've heard. The new, stock tubes just don't do it for me.

But I want to add that the above works for my tastes and my system and should be taken in that context only.

You are welcome. My speakers are Silverline SR17.5. I replaced the stock crossover capacitor with Mundorf Silver/Gold/Oil. I replaced the stock resistor with a Mundorf Supreme. However, within about a week (I've already received shipping notification) I'm going to replace the Mundorf caps and resistors with Duelund VSF. I'm looking for less top-end emphasis than what the Mundorfs seem to be doing. I'm expecting the Duelund to be better balanced.

Anyway, back to the Rogues. The guys that own the local shop here are Rogue dealers. They were up last week to listen to my system before I changed the crossover... they want to be able to compare the change.... and they commented how much they liked the M150s over the M120s when the 150s came out... the improvement was immediately apparent... and they both said that as big a jump as the M150 was over the M120, the M180 was that big of a jump over the M150s yet again. We haven't done a M180/M150 side-by-side. Someday I may take my amps by the shop and we will. But don't get me wrong... I have heard the M150s many, many times in the shop and they are quite nice!

Also, my interconnects are Kimber select, and my speaker cables are Kimber Select KS-3035. My source is a Rega Saturn CD player.

I may have missed it in your earlier post, and if so I apologize, but what components other than the Rogues and Primalunas are you considering? What speakers, source, wire? I'm just curious.
I work at a dealer that sells both, the prima gear is nice for the money, but the rogue m150s are in a different league,who ever said the primas throw a bigger stage, and sound more life like is just plain wrong. If anything i would say just the opposite . good luck, chris
Reynolds, I am in the process of making a deal for some Nola Viper IIa's. I'm definitely going with a tube pre-amp, but I am still undecided on the amp. I'm thinking monoblocks, but I'm going back and forth between solid state and tubes. If I go tubes, it will more than likely be Rogue. Another thougth with Rogue is to go with the Cronus pre-amp, as I have heard that this integrated delivers the goods, Wires and interconnects are all Signal Cable. My sources will be a turntable and a cd player, and I am looking for quality used pieces for both.