Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Driving PSB Imagine T2s


I have my eye on a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP to drive my PSB Imagine T2s.   I heard the Primaluna Dialogue driving KEF R700s last week, and I loved the sound in the showroom.  

My current system is the following: 
Creek Evolution 100 A integrated amplifier
Bluesound Node 2, streaming tidal to Creek Ruby DAC
Roksan Radius V with Ortofon 2M Black MM cartridge

My short term plan would be to use the Creek Evolution (or my Creek 5350SE with passive preamp) as the preamplifier.  

I would think the Dialogue Premium HP amp would have no trouble driving the PSB Imagine T2s in a 13' x 21' room (with the loudspeakers placed along the shorter wall of the rectangle room.   

Thoughts?  Appreciate all responses.  You folks have just been great in providing insight and help. 
As shown in Stereophile’s measurements the impedance of your speakers dips to around 2.4 ohms in the vicinity of 500 to 600 Hz, and rises to more than 8 ohms in the vicinity of 2 kHz. Also, Stereophile measured the effective output impedance of the Dialogue Premium (not the HP version) as being relatively high for some output taps and modes, and extremely high for others. The interaction of that kind of speaker impedance variation and those output impedance characteristics will tend to give greater emphasis, compared to your solid state Creek amplifier, to frequencies at which speaker impedance is high (i.e., especially around 2 kHz) and less emphasis to frequencies at which speaker impedance is low (i.e., especially around 500 to 600 Hz).

I would expect the degree of that difference to be somewhat less, however, with the Dialogue Premium HP, as it probably has lower effective output impedances than the non-HP version given the doubled quantity of power tubes.

Whether or not you would find that tonal difference to be preferable with the particular speakers in your particular room, and whether that difference would be overshadowed by differences in the intrinsic sonic characters of the Creek and PrimaLuna amps (which I would expect to be considerable), I of course can’t say. But in addition to the power and drive capability of an amp, and its intrinsic sonic character, the tonal effects of impedance interactions between amp and speaker are also a factor that should be taken into consideration IMO.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

I would ditch the Creek and go with the Dialogue Premium HP integrated amp.  Trust me, that amp will effortlessly drive your speakers.

Speaking with the source-Kevin@ Upscale Audio , to get the facts is the thing to do.

Stereo5's recommendation of the HP Integrated  may be a consideration also.
The Stereophile review compares the integrated with high level separates.
Also, the HP was found to drive a high end speaker much better than several high end amps(the brand, I can't recall-also a Stereophile article) Kevin may mention these facts.

Been enjoying my HP Integrated for 2 years now. Those 89 DB's spec'ed speakers will ROCK. I have similar spec'ed  speakers which the HP easily drives to ear bleeding levels if necessary. Rarely do I listen past 9:00 on the volume dial. In addition, my factory spec'ed 89db speakers were reviewed several years ago and REALLY  measured around 87, suggesting paper specs are bumped a couple points like many products in the name of market appeal. Not implying ALL  manufacturers do this..just sayin
Thank you everyone!  I'm going to call Kevin right away. 

Ditching the Creek is certainly an option.  I spent a good bit of cash on it and the Ruby DAC ($600) so I really don't want to but it may be necessary. The idea of having one box is one I like given this system is in a living room and pleasing the wife is of high order.  I can always start with the DAC in the Bluesound Node2 that I have because it's no slouch.  I need my holiday bonus money now!