primaluna gear, avalon eidolon speakers, cardas

I just purchase some primaluna diologue 7 mono amps and their best preamp. I have some Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers to go with all this. I also have all Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and speaker cable. I don't have it all hooked up yet. Any one have an opinion on this set up.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xwoodworker
Spoken with the zest of the classically insecure. "The best sound possible" is not an absolute, it is simply an opinion. Subs driven to upper mids and squashed by digital EQ is rarely optimal, realistic, or recommended, and since this is the approach you've described as producing "realistic" results, I can only assume you need to get out more. Open up that closed little brain...feel the warm breeze of real music...there ya go...all better...
I understand your point of view. Because I was very sceptical about roomcorrection and subwoofer use for stereo as well.

Giving demos is the key for hearing is believing. The endresults speak for them selves. That is what people make change there way of thinking.

Because when instruments and voices become extreme touchable and in full 3D and the sound is very involving you see it on the reactions of people.

My favorite hobby is music. I love live music as I love music played in full 3D at home. I buy a lot of music every week. This is the essentail part for audio.
In MY experience, cables sound different attached to different components. MIT just might be better with a certain amp, and maybe not...the only way to tell is to try it in the system and listen. I have an all Ayre system and bought Ayre cables. After a bit less than a year after a friend came over with Purist did I realize that Ayre is NOT the least in MY system. After auditioning 20 or so cables I came away with Audioquest Sky/Everest, and Anti-Cables (top of the line silvers) sounding the best. No one I had listen could tell the difference. I also tried Audioquest super top of the line signature cables....they were awful...almost as bad a the worst sounding cables...Cardas.
That is why you need to understand which kind of properties each brand of cable owns.

With your amp, source, conditioner and speakers the same story.

In the past different brands in amps and sources came with spakercables. It is better for them to stick were they are good at.
Hey what do you guys think of adding a REL 528 to a pair of Avalon Ascendents driven by all Esoteric gear ( amp Esoteric A-03 50 watts class A power ) with all top or near top of the line Purist Audio Cables sub and go to all Cardas ???? Just asking ....