Primare Pre 30 or Electrocompaniet EC 4.7

Hello everyone, I'm looking for a preamp that has balanced xlr outputs and at least one balanced input.

I'm looking on the local used market and I have it narrowed down to these two options (for nearly the same price): Primare pre 30 or the Electrocompaniet EC 4.7, but I have a hard time choosing.

From what I've read online some find the Primare too bright, and some describe the EC 4.7 too dark or rolled off. Right now I'm leaning towards the EC 4.7 but I do like clarity and detail, just not to the point of being harsh or aggressive.

I can listen to them at the seller's before I buy, but I won't be able to compare them.

Listening to jazz, world music, electronics and classic rock on Magnepan 1.5qr.

What would you recommend? Thanks.
I once bought a Marantz amp just for its warm sound, while great at first I quickly grew tired of it's slowness.

I would chose the EC just because it's a lot more expensive and I can have it at nearly the same price as the Primare. I like the look and features of the Primare better.

The maggies driven by my class d poweramps are already quite detailed and forward, a bit of warmth in the form of a lower mid boost would suit them well, "dark and rolled off highs" would not.

It's a real pitty I can't audition them to compare on my own system. 
My experience (12 years or so) with Primare PRE30 does not support impression of any brightness.. highs are, to my ears plus context of the other gear in the system, even understated a bit yet silky smooth and detailed. This pre was one of the BB purchases for the money at a time (about 1000 euros, if memory serves well :), came in pair with also very very good A32 power. Both still here, great sound and reliability (not single issue so far) for modest money.
Electrocompaniet sound is widely perceived as darker than average, this is a very long-term stereotype. Never had any piece on home audition to give EC any valuable mark, but what I have heard elsewhere from EC, it should be pretty accurate assessment.