I don't know if I can add much to TIC's comments, but I owned a pair of de Capos (original version) for about a year. I sold to go to a more expensive speaker, which I ultimately found disappointing compared w/ the de Capos. I'm counting my pennys until I can afford to get another pair (after spending too much $$$ on equipment the past few years). I've also heard the Proacs a couple times in a shop and in someone's home. The Proacs were very nice, but my personal preference would be for the de Capos. I think that despite the specs, in real world conditions they play deeper and fuller, are more dynamic and more natural sounding. Also, as TIC points out, they are easier to drive. Each time I heard the Proacs, it was w/ a push pull tube amp of at least 50-60 watts (ARC & Mesa). I drove my de Capos w/ my VAC Avatar in triode (27 watts) with ease, and heard it w/ Antique Sound amps w/ as little as 15 W in triode, and it sounds wonderful w/ either. Also heard it in the shop w/ a Sugden integrated (not sure about power rating), but no problem driving the de Capos. The Proacs may seem to have a little more "air" on the top end, at least compared w/ the original de Capos, but I'm not sure if that is because they are more extended or because they over-emphasize HF response. Good luck picking a speaker,