Proac response 2

i have a pair that has the surround foam rotten up, thinking about ordering new pair which cost about $500 ( original factory midbass driver)through Proac distributor, i was told these drivers are scanspeak special made for Proac,the least expensive way is to have them refoamed, anyone has them refoamed and how do they sound? also where did you get them done? the last choice is i have to order from proac distributor. Any info's will be appreciated and thanks in advanced
Tim...interesting, I was quoted $700 by a Proac dealer for replacement drivers. What scanspeak driver number did they quote you a price for ?

Hello, i think Madisound in US refoame the scan-speak
driver and they seam to be very professionnal people
Have you contacted Modern audio in Maryland? they're the distributor for Proac.Ofcourse if you get them through local dealer, they have to make a lil profit just to keep them in business.Let me know, the quote i got in june this year and i dont know price might have gone up since gas price gone up too :)