Problem With Innuos Sense - Won't Play Selected Song?

I have an issue with Innuos Sense (latest version) where no matter how I select a song, it most often will not play.  I can trying playing a single track or I can try playing an album, and I can try using the mobile app or on my desktop PC on the same network as my Zenith Mk 3 (which is totally up to date).  When I try to play an album, it will try and fail to play tracks before moving on the the next, until one finally plays. After finding a song on the album that plays, it will fail at playing the subsequent track (no shuffle is not on).

I'm running my Zenith as a standalone endpoint.  Of note, I can use Roon instead of Sense and Roon has no issues (other than Sense sounds better).

I'm logging a support request with Innuos but just wanted to see if anyone has had this issue and if there might be a quick fix? 




Showing 4 responses by carlsbad2

I think having trouble with one song like that tends to be a streaming issue, perhaps cache confusion if there is such a thing  anyway, i've seen it on other platforms.  rebooting router and modem seemed to help.  Maybe reboot your streamer too.



I think @gertrude09 may be a bot.  This is the first time I've seen a bot taking part in a coversation on this site (that I know of).  Anyway he joined yesterday and his first post was a rephrase of my earlier post and his second post had a link to "myfedload customer service".  I wouldn't click on that.


@nyev I don't worry about getting credit for it, I worry about bots.  When you gave him credit, I said to myself, "Self, that sounds like what I wrote."  When I reread it I suspected bot and confirmed he joined yesterday and then he posted a link to a scammer later.  

I believe in the old Harry Truman maxim, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets credit for it."  --Jerry

@jetter We figured out that the audio advice given was just a paraphrase of my advice given earlier (which was just a guess on my part).  not worried about credit at all but just want to explain how this bot seemed to have useful advice.