Proceed AMP5 in protective mode

My Proceed AMP5 has a flashing standby light. According to the manual, this means the amp has gone into protective mode. I shut it on and off but no joy. Checked speaker wires and no shorts. The amp is plugged into a Monster power bar. No apparent power surges or lighting etc.

Doesn't seem to be a reset button outside like most amps have? The manual suggests calling tech support. (What support from HK!?!?!)

Has anyone had a similar problem. Does anyone know if there is a reset switch inside? Does HK still repair Proceed gear?

THanks for any info or suggestions.
Roofus , Jp1208

I too have an Amp 5 with identical problems .

I did the same thing (removed all cabling), it will power up without going into protection mode but as soon as I reinstall the cabling , it will not go into a standby mode .

Fearing it was speaker or cabling shorts I threw in a Rotel 5 channel amp , no problem . Tried other power cords , removed line conditioner go .

This took place after doing it a couple of times , once during a movie and once left idling in standby . I was able to restart it those 2 previous times by pulling the power cord and waiting a few minutes ( like a reboot)

I took it to the Levinson shop yesterday and the tech was able to start it with no load . We did not get into it any further as he's quite busy but promised he would call Harman to see if this was a common problem . The serial number is 1011.

Short of paying 800 repairs for an amp worth about 1800 on todays market , I would love to hear of a remedy that does not require transporting this 110 lb beast and in turn if I hear of a solution , I would be more than happy to share it.

It'd be really interesting to hear from others , especially if this is an ongoing problem .

Hopefully there is a cure without major freight and repair costs . It's too bad as the Proceed gear sounds wonderful .
Sounds like Dbtrucks and I are in the same boat. I would appreciate hearing from you when you have more information.
I have emailed Harman Special Products support to see if they have any information to offer.
Maybe somone else can repair the unit at a lower cost. I also do not feel like spending 800 dollars for a discountinued product that is worth 1800 dollars. Plus of course shipping which wont be cheap at 110 lbs
I talked with David Schulte on repairing these amps and adding the upgrades to them and he said he was no longer interested in doing the work after I sent mine to him. He told me that the Nuforce 9 amps are superior to any amp he has heard including upgraded amps he has worked on. If I decide to have him fix my hpa-3 I will ask him what parts he replaced and share it with you. If anyone knows the fix I am all ears! I just went on-line and saw the pictures and specs of the Nuforce amps. The nuforce 9 is only 7lbs.
I can tell you one thing, David has never steered me in the wrong direction. I am going to seriously consider the Nuforce amps.
Is your amp less than 5 years old? Harman Specialty Group honors Proceed warranties, at least that has been my recent experience with my AVP-2.
This is a follow up with a great ending .

After taking the amp to my local Levinson dealer , the tech pulled the control board and reinstalled . The problem was found to be a cold solder connection .

It's been home a month now and working 100%