Proceed CDD Transport

How does the Proceed CDD Transport compare to the Stello CDT-200 and/or the Sonic Frontiers SFT-1?
The SFT-1 and the CDD both arrived around the same time(a local store carried both lines). I think the SF was highly regarded over the Proceed as was the ML 31 over the SFT-1. I'd choose the SFT-1 again as I did seven years ago.
Very interesting, Tabl10s! So even though the Proceed CDD is supposed to be similar to the ML31, the ML31 sounds better than the SFT-1, yet the SFT-1 sounds better than the Proceed CDD? Am I understandind this correctly? Thank you!
P.S.: I currently own both an SFT-1 and a Stello CDT-200. I consider the Stello to be a "copy" of the SFT-1. I have a slight preference for the sound of the Stello over the SFT-1. I am happy to have one of each and may not benefit by adding the Proceed CDD to my collection. Thanks again!
To add more confusion, SF's CDP was better than the SFT-1 matched with thier top dac(a $6k+ combo). What are you using for a dac?
My DAC is a Muse 296 with which I am very happy indeed. And based on what has been said thus far; I should be happier driving my DAC with the SFT-1 rather than the Proceed CDD. Yes?