Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment

As 2021 comes to an end, just thought it would be cool to share some of the most impactful audio upgrades in your system this year?
Here’s my top 5 list…

1. Pass Labs XP-12: Upgrade path was from Rogue RP-1 to Rogue RP-5 and then to Pass XP-12 that was the final touch. Huge improvements across the board. Mates well with my Rogue ST-100 tube amp.

2. Phono Cartridge: Goldring E3 MM to Hana EL MC. Clarity, presentation, dynamics in spades!

3. Phono Pre: From the built in phono pre in RP-1 and RP-5 to MoFi UltraPhono to Sutherland KC Vibe MkII. Lowered noise floor, increased resolution, dynamics. The KC Vibe MkII is almost double the cost of the MoFi and it’s the one of the few upgrades where an improvement was proportional to the cost difference. At least in my system. Records that seemed noisy become more listenable. A great little phono pre. 

4. Audience AU24sx speaker cables. These speaker cables are a clear window into a recording. Nothing hidden, nothing exaggerated. 

5. Power Cords: Acoustic Zen Gargantua for preamp and amp. Lower noise floor, increased resolution, natural sound, expanded soundstage

Honorable mentions:

1. Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper interconnects. In my opinion the AZ cables don’t get the respect they deserve on these forums anymore, overshadowed by some of the “flavor of the day” newcomers (without going into specifics on brands).

2. Puritan PSM156 power conditioner. 
3. Supra Cat8 Ethernet cable.

4. Lumin U1 Mini

5. MoFi LP#9 Stylus Cleaner. Better than the Onzo ZeroDust although I still use the Onzo between the sides. 


I have to say that the addition of the Isoacoustics Gaia II's to my Usher speakers made a huge improvement to the overall sound of the speakers and system.

Also the addition of a Canare 75 ohm BNC terminated cable used between my word clock and cd/sacd player was an overall improvement over many very expensive 75 ohm cables, from JPS, Wireworld, Kimber, etc.

1. Townshend Podiums

2. NPS 1260

3. JL Audio CR-1 Crossover.

4. Townshend F-1 Speaker cable

5. Zafvino Dart power cord

6. High Fidelity Helix signature plugs (3)

7. QSA fuses


On a more budget oriented system starting out in this new hobby last year….

1- High Fidelity Cables NPS 1260 contact enhancer WOW!
2- Fuses QSA Yellow fuses in Raven Blackhawk and Black Ice Audio tube DAC 

3- VHAudio ODAM V-Cap’s in my upgraded Jolida JD-9 tube phono preamp

4- Old Stock Tubes all around…Mullard F91 12ax7 1958 long plates in DAC and    Phono Pre;   Westinghouse 12au7 ‘60’s carbon plates,  Mullard ‘50’s 12at7, Tungsram ‘60’s 12at7 in Amp.

5- Goldring 1022GX cartridge

6- Morrow interconnects

7- OCC speaker and USB cables

8- VH Audio Flavor 4 power cords

9- Panamax power conditioner

10- Nobsound springs under Speakers and Amp

High Fidelity Cable MC-1 Pro power conditioner (now on order)


Almost kicked the bucket from COVID this year, so treated myself to a brand new BAT VK-33 preamp to go with my BAT VK-225se power amp. An awesome combination that has expanded my enjoyment of music and has given me great joy during my convalescence. Also have bought a number of MFSL SACD titles which have really helped me appreciate high quality recordings with big dynamic range.