Progress at

There have been two hopeful changes at - there is a "Coming Soon" link which promises an online store, and there is the ability to create an account for online shopping. I did so and received a welcome e-mail from Stewart Suda (I have e-mailed back and forth with a Stewart who seemed to be in charge). So I looked him up, and turns out he is the owner of Rogers Music Systems, which is the agent for Rogers speakers in the USA, based in Green Bay, WI.
So Decca is probably now an American enterprise, though repairs are, I assume, still based in the UK It has been Neil Marshall in Exeter). The online shop might indicate that new cartridges will soon be sold (he had told me he hoped for August 2024, but evidently that has slipped). I wonder if they will be made in the UK or the USA?

I’m hoping there will soon be a new generation of Decca enthusiasts!



Not so in my experience with Expert Stylus Repair. As I mentioned elsewhere it was 3 weeks round trip for a new stylus only on my Koetsu, and the results sound superb. SoundSmith is only ~150 miles from me, and they’ve never been as rapid, with due respect.

I have to send others to the USA, so it makes no difference to me. As to why repairs are in the UK, either it is because the majority of Decca owners are there, or maybe Neil could have been trained by John Wright, and could easily take over his equipment, whereas an American tech might not be able to do either so easily.

It will be curious to see what they are to cost now, and whether there will be an "improved" version as suggested when first came online.

@lewm Every time I've sent Decca to JW, the package was delayed by customs and VAT applied + £13 fee. 

Dunno what's up.  No VAT involved (perhaps because the Koetsu is not made in the UK in the first place, whereas the Decca is made in UK), and if UK or US customs examined the package, I don't know about it, and there was obviously no hold up associated with customs, because ESR informed me when the cartridge was on the way back (probably via DHL, but I don't remember), and sure enough it arrived 2-3 days later.