Projector question

I want to install a projector in our "media" room and get rid of the plasma tv. It would be used almost exclusively for movies. Maybe a little gaming and a little watching sports. Here's the thing, I know nothing about projectors. Budget of $1200-$1500. Do I want LCD, DLP, screen, painted "screen", etc?

I agree with Chadnliz.

I did the 70" LCD thing, very nice. But, the 70" lcd is no contest compared to a projector image for half the amount of money paid for the 70" tv.

Don't let anyone fool you, big is where it's at....that's why people with big-screen tv's still go to the movies. That's why tv's keep getting bigger....everyone want's the biggest image they can get at home. Once you see a 120 inch or bigger image in your home, there's no going back to ANY television to watch a movie.

And yes, I had to replace a bulb once....$400.

Once you've set the thing up, you're home free.

Also, once you set up your projector, don't invite any friends'll never be able to get rid of them once they've seen your screen.

ProjectorCentral is the best site I've seen for projectors.
I still dont get those not informed enough these days to know projectors and even more to advise on them. It can cost far less for a pro and screen compared to larger wall displays, just remember nobody ever says "I wish I had gone with a smaller screen". There are few reasons that a projector is a absolute no go, and it certainly is no longer cost.
I second the Panasonic 4000 - great colors and black contrast levels - way better than an LCD flat TV (frankly these are awful and I'd recommend a plasma if you go flat screen)
I bought the Epson 8350 a few months back to replace my old Infocus X-1 projector....I'm very happy with the Epson.

I paid $1,199 for mine. (Visual online dealer)

You do need to do some reading at the sites mentioned above before you buy, because the projector you buy "must" fit your needs for "your" room.

I use my projector for DVD movies, wii games, sports, and netflix streaming.
