Ps Audio BHK preamp Vs ARC best preamps

Hello to everyone in this forum, I'm Mario from Venice, Italy and I'm a new member even if I read your posts since a lot of time.

First of all sorry for my written english, I will try to do my best.

I would like to know if anyone has been able to compare the BHK preamp with the best of ARC production and in my opinion this means with LS 22, LS 25 (both the versions...), Ref 3, Ref 5SE and so on.

Thank you for sharing  your impressions.

Hi Mario, I have not heard the ARC preamps but from what I read there are big differences between the various ARC preamps with the Reference series being better than the LS series and each generation of ARC preamps being a step up from its predecessor.

I think one difference to consider between ARC and PS Audio is that ARC uses the 6H30 tube, which gives the ARCs a transparent sound and has sharp transients, etc. Some describe it as a more solid state type of sound but still having some tube characteristics. The PS Audio can use a variety of tubes (12AU7, 6DJ8, 7DJ8, 6922, 7308) and probably has more of a traditional tube sound. Not as quick and clean as the ARCs but it is still a very nice preamp.

Your English is very good, by the way. Better than some of the Americans who post here.
Hi tomcy6,

thank you for your compliments about my english and for your reply.

Actually what I've been able to experience in my long audiophile carreer is that there is not such a large gap between some LS and some Ref preamps models, I own an LS 25 mk1 and it is really a good piece of gear but it still add "something" that characterize it as a bit less than completely transparent, probably the mk2 series with the 6H30 tubes is a bit more transparent.  I've tried to bypass it connecting my DSd directly to the power amp (ARC 100.2) and apart a light hummm what I perceived is a way better sound with more details, dynamics, harmonic content.

So what I really would like to know is if the BHK preamp is more transparent than the best ARC preamps and if it is transparent in absolute sense.

My final purpose is to try to understand if I can give up in using a preamp, connecting the DSd directly to my new BHK 250 power amp which is arriving from my dealer.


Mario I also use a DSD directly to an ARC 100.2 and with a balanced connection is dead quiet.  I must admit that I am also curious about adding the BHK pre.  On the PS Audio forums there are a few posts where ARC pre's are removed and the DSD is connected directly to the amp and they all agreed it sounded better.

Mario, it seems that no preamp is the way to go, but I must tell you that Paul McGowan the owner of PS Audio says that  he finds that using a BHK preamp sounds better than not using one.  Of course he wants people to buy his preamps, but if you can borrow one from a dealer or friend I would try it out and see what you think.