PS Audio DAC II or Bryston: two great machines

I have decided that it's time to move up from my Rega DAC, and I am considering the above two machines. I know, I know, the solution is to listen to them myself and decide on my taste, but I don't have the option to do that. Both DACs have received rave reviews, though the retail price of the PS Audio is (was) almost twice that of the new Bryston BDA-2. The PS Audio II is now being replaced by the DirectStream, so there are many good deals on the discontinued II.

Anyone have any thoughts on how these compare? Both are described as being supremely musical. Can one argue that the PS Audio is twice as musical, given that it is (was) twice as expensive? :)

My amp is a Cary integrated. I have heard Bryston gear only once or twice in the past. To the extent that Bryston may have a house sound, my gut tells me that the Bryston DAC would not be a good match with Cary. In another thread, a person described the PS Audio as somewhat akin to the Cary 300B. On the one hand that is encouraging, on the other hand it may mean too much Cary.

Any thoughts? I'm also considering the new McIntosh D100. That looks sweet.

According to Steve Nugent of Emperical Audio (check the site... tons of good information), you'd be much better converting the USB to I2S input on the PWD II. I've followed many of Steve's recommendations, and can boast great clarity and plenty of soundstage. Haven't altered the firmware on the PWD II.

I'm running off a headless Mac Mini, PureMusic over iTunes, USB out to Steve's Off Ramp 5, I2S from the Off Ramp 5 to the PWD II, PWD II straight to amp, not counting crossovers to a pair of Vandersteen subs.
I've stayed with firmware 2.0.2 that's one of the earlier versions. Give the PWD a good long burn in 300+ hours also don't turn it off, it takes a good 24 hours to get right again..

I'm also am not a big fan of USB.. And I've heard that some prefer using Native instead of NativeX on the USB input ( Nativex on coax inputs though) Also it sounds better with the volume at 100% and lastly use filter 4 or 5
I have the PWD (II) and had stayed with the original firmware the entire time I had it. A couple weeks ago I switched to the newest one that supposedly had better signal quality. After a couple days I noticed that I kept turning down the volume because the sound was a little bright and irritating. I went back to 2.0.2 and that issue was completely resolved.
No format can make a bad recording sound good, no matter the DAC, Transport, download, nor vinyl. I've like the physical so PC audio is not for me for that reason, plus I own so much music and continue to buy CD's weekly. I use a K-03 I got in November and the sound I hear is as good as anything I've heard over 30 years, providing the mastering and the recording quality was good to begin with. I not a fan of the new reissues because they been played with, yes they sound different but they are not the sound of when they were released. Plus I refuse to buy the same music over and over because a new format comes out. That is like chasing your tail. If you have a good turntable then look for the pre-owned vinyl instead of paying the $30.00 or more for a MOFI reissue, same for a CD player that is current over say the past several years, and enjoy your CD's. Digital cam a long was from 1981, much like analog from the 78 RPM Era. Both grew better as time marched on. I can no longer read any of the audio Mags. To much spin and BS now. Talking heads for the manufactures and their friends in the business. Keep buying music in the physical form and enjoy it!