PS Audio Multiwave

Anybody heard the Power Plant upgrade? What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Lihifiguy: It's not a matter of having respect for PS Audio's R&D. I just don't like being hosed. Futhermore, if you new anything about manufacturing you would realize to create a new so called P-3000 would be very expensive to tool up (not to mention obsoleting a product after it's been on the market only about a year would really turn off their customers who bought it). In addition, it's much more profitable to charge a big # on an upgrade ie: no or very little tooling/expense involved. I must say yours & a few others comments makes me wonder if you people are affiliated with PS Audio.
Why bother posting all the fuss here. If you've got questions or comments, talk directly to the man that makes the machine. Paul would be glad to answer any of your questions or respond to any of your comments. Cut and paste the web address below into your browser and have at it. Sean
Sean: I post all this fuss as you call it because that's what these threads are suppose to be about. In other words a freedom to express your opinion in reference to the topic, which is what I've done. If you don't like my opinion, your free to express yours. It is my belief that manufacturers & dealers should not be allowed to participate in these threads unless they are specifically address to, simply because their statements are completely bias towards their products. As an audiophile for a # of years, I learned very early on you that you get the real poop from the users who have experienced the products in their homes, not the dealers or manufactures or reveiwers. Sorry Sean, but I will continue to post my so called fuss.
Okay, and I hope we can also get a few more comments about what the upgrade sounds like.
I second that Drubin. Children why don't we have a quiet time. What does it sound like????