PS Audio new Stellar Phono PreAmp?

Hi , First I have PS Audio's Stellar Pre-Amp/DAC and S300 amp and have been very happy with them. I have a Rega P6 and a Rogue phono preamp. I saw that PS Audio has a new Stellar Phono PreAmp. Has anyone listened to it yet? I was wondering if would be an improvement over my Rogue?
If I were you I would try to demo one first. I had at least 6 phono pre's in the last 2 1/2 years and the one I settled on is the Modwright PH9.0 if you like tubes in the phono stage going solid state you might be disappointed you will loose mainly sound staging. Yes I also had a Rogue Ares Magnum at the same time the PH9.0 is better less noisy. The best 2 solid state ones I liked were the Parasound JC3 JR and the Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl
Just ordered the Stellar Phono to compliment the Stellar GCD preamp and M700 mono blocks which replaced a more expensive setup but gave spectacular performance both with analogue and digital sources. 

Currently, the sound stage is very good, and I think this is the result of balanced circuits + good balanced interconnects + class A circuitry in the GCD + class A input stage in the M700s   

The Stellar Phono preamp will be used with two tt setups: Rega Apheta II + Rega RP8; Sumiko Blackbird + Technics SL 1200.  The Stellar Phono has a balanced circuit with class A circuitry. So, I am all hopes I to gain on details and keep or improve the soundstage.

Good day @ smoorenc
@ Audiofun thanks for sharing your views. Valid and true indeed.

Phono pre-amp arrived yesterday with DirectStream DAC with Bridge II pre-installed, but that will have to be discussed in a different forum. 

I kept all the existing cables unchanged (balanced Van Den Hul 2nd  hybrid) which I have been using for more than 2 decades.  I also decided to assess the phono pre-amp with Rega Apheta II / RP8 low gain setup which would be more challenging for the pre-amp.

Straight from the box, I got hooked.  This is by no means an ordinary piece of hi-fi gear. I could not stop listening until I fell asleep in my chair around midnight!  

I cannot go into tech talk. However, after just 4 hours with the Stellar Phono Premap I realised it sounds nothing like hi-fi.  It brings my LPs to life, especially orchestral and symphonic works that I use to evaluate my analogue setup for instrumental space segregation, instrumental realism as well as sound stage breadth and depth.  Moreover, as many people say, the Stellar has a black background (low noise floor).  I enjoyed   fatigue-free time with the music!  As with other PS units that I have, I expect this to improve within the coming days.