PS Audio PPP owners how do your amps sound

plugged into your Premiers compared to straight to the wall? I know they're designed to power an entire system. Do you hear a definite improvement with your amps plugged into the Premier or is it the opposite and you're now going directly to the wall with your amps? Thanks
It took a while for this thread to get some legs, but thanks to everyone for your feedback on amp performance with the PPP. It looks like I'll eventually try the PPP.
PPPP absolutely improve my gear including amp. soune is cleaner and bass is tighter.
I just got a used PPP so I think it is somewhat burned in. Even so, I found that it squashed my dynamics. I am still in the process of burning in all the power cords and components so it's hard for me to make any conclusions just yet... My amp is a PS Audio Trio A-100. I have not tried switching back to wall power as I have lightning and brownout conditions around me.
Yep! Happened to me also, takes 400-500 hours for burn-in. Give it some time and stick with it Connect your computer to it, makes the burn-in time go faster. It will come around.
I have a PS Audio PPP at home for a try. I think it isn't that good for dynamics with my Air Tight ATM 3 tubed mono amp (115 watts).
Very good for CD and analog.
I have a hum coming from a ground loop Ican't "kill". I'm thinking about an Equi=tech fot that. What do you think about this idea ?