PSB Imagine T3's?

Anyone out there either own or are familiar with PSB Imagine T3 speakers? Are they higher end in sound quality, or mid-fi? How do they compare with other speakers in the $7500 vicinity?
I just gave a pair of T3's a listen today. I really wanted to like these but after listening my emotions are mixed. I heard glimpses of a very good speaker but I also heard some bloat or lack of clarity in the lower midrange that seemed consitent with whatever genre of music I played. They were being driven with a McIntosh amp so maybe Milpai is right. So I’m wondering if what I heard was just an anomly of the amp or the room or is this a characteristic of the speaker itself. Anyone care to comment? Thanks

PS: I’d be driving them with either my Pass X250 or a pair of Atmasphere M60’s.
@studiotim The T3’s ports have to be set up right for the mid range to really sing. In my listening room I’ve found them to sound their best with the 2 bottom ports plugged. You lose some low end extension, but the bass tightens and the mid range and highs open up. The soundstage also becomes much more focused and detailed.

Without the bottom 2 ports plugged, I’ve found the Bass fat in a way that steps on the mid range and blurs the soundstage.
Thanks Chazzzy, They only had the bottom ports plugged during my audition. I'm going to give them another try with your recommendation of plugging the middle ports as well. I'll have them move them a little further from the back wall as well. (they were ~ 2 ft away).

I'm going to give a pair of Focal 1028 Be a listen as well. Anyone here had a chance to compare these two?
Was your demo in the Chicago area? Just curious, since I had that a demo in that area. I will not go into the dealership details. But they were thorough gentlemen and entertained all my song requests.