PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread

Hi everyone,

We are the official PSVANE team, and we are thrilled to announce the release of our latest Horizon series vacuum tubes. This discussion thread is dedicated to engaging with you and addressing any questions you might have about PSVANE vacuum tubes.

With 16 years of experience in the tube sector, our team is empowered by many seasoned experts. We invite everyone to join in sharing, communicating, and discussing any questions and knowledge about vacuum tubes here.



I was wondering if you could help me understand a couple of points?

1. I'm curious what you relationship is with AliExpress?

2. For the 845 Acme matched pairs... are they all matched at 90mA?  Or what do you mean when you say they are matched pairs for these 845 Acme tubes?

Thank you for helping me understand.

Best wishes,



If someone prefer a relatively warmer sound, the ART series is a good choice. Of course, this also depends on whether the amplifier it is paired with is suitable.


Hi Don,

The products on AliExpress are sold by our distributors, while the products on our Amazon store are sold directly by Psvane official.

ACME tubes do not require secondary matching as all ACME products have excellent parameter consistency.


"while the products on our Amazon store are sold directly by Psvane official."

Not quite true as the  Acme 211, 300B, 845, 2A3, and 274B tubes are shipped and sold by Salience Hi Fi Audio, which you previously stated are not part of Psvane



Congratulations to you for obtaining the Octave Jubilee preamp. The Octave Jubillee has been my reference component for a while. You will have many happy listening hours with this unit. 

Don’t get caught up in the tube rolling merry go round at first. Listen to the Octave to determine and understand its characteristics before making any changes. 

In a previous review of the Octave Jubilee, it mentions that the audio section employs four tubes all of the ECC82 family, and that the E80cc can be used in the input stage.  

I responded to you. Hopefully providing some insight on the use of NOS tubes.