Psvane KT88 tubes in VAC amps

I've been using the Psvane CV-181's as power tubes in my VAC Phi 300 along with Kevin's stock KT88-SC's as supplied with the amp.
Does anyone have any experience with an all-Psvane line-up of tubes in VAC amps ? My preamp is the Shindo Giscours; speaker cables, the Purist Provectus into Wilson Sophia 3's.

Thanks, -

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

Another vote for Psvane 12AX7 T-IIs...a design unique to them seemingly (extra spacer?) and a sweet, stable, full range sound. Been burning a pair for a while and love 'em.
I've retracted my Psvane endorsement as one of my 12Ax7TII tubes failed and made me sad. It will take a while to recover.