purchasing US made speakers

I currently have psb imagine t2 speakers. I am interested in replacing them with US manufactured speakers 10-12 k being the maximum price....perhaps aerial acoustics, vandersteen,,,,,any thoughts? My hearing at age 70 diminishes at 8,000 hz so a good midrange is probably good.
Devore. Characteristics of the Gibbon line are very good detail and realism in the mids, highs are extended and super smooth. Deep, layered imaging.
Orangutan speakers have high sensitivity and present a more immediate sound. Very lively and realistic, compared to Harbeth and Audio Note.
Made in Brooklyn.

audiokinesis2....no problem with live conversation
.Even though I am not the same age I’ve always had trouble listening to two conversations at once. It's not my ears it's my brain or mind or both.I'm with Lowrider57. Devore Orangutan looks and sounds great and is easy to drive.
audiokinesis.....While I listen to quite a bit of stereo music, the speakers would be used as a part of a multi channel system. The center channel is important. The room is  about 18' wide and 15' deep and is open to an eating area and kitchen. I sit about 11' from lt and rt speakers which are 30 inches from the front wall and about 8' apart. The back of the couch upon which I sit faces the open area to the eating area and kitchen The ceiling is 10' high. A wide sweet spot is not essential.