Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp

I have high efficiency 100dB speakers klipsch KLF 30 with mods  
im trying to decide pure class A or Tube amp 
Any Pure class A recommendations will be appropriated especially the one sound good at low volume under 6K MRSP .
I have had a pass labs INT30A. with Kllipsch Heresy and Crites Cornscala. .Sound good to me. INT60 even better. . Now have Pass Labs Monoblocks with same speakers   Really nice.Got over tubes a long time ago. Others will differ.
$6K amp for Klipsch KLF-30 may be a bit of over kill.
I've had Klipsh KLF-20 (and KLF-C7, KSP6) for over 20 years. Mine is not modified.
I've tried a few different amps (NAD, Rotel, Nakamichi, Plinius), and AV receivers (Yamaha RXV-3000, retail $2000 and Denon AVR 3803CI, retail $1600) for KLF-20, and to my ears, not much difference. My KLF-20 sounds just good.
However, I've had a few different speakers (Tyler Taylo, Tyler Linbrook, Apogee Diva, Harbeth C7-ES) and they all sound better than KLF-20 on stereo music (especially on classical and jazz). Though for Rock and heavy metal, KLF-20 sounds more live, but I don't listen to them often.
So, I use KLF-20 in my home theater setup with Denon, and other speakers in 2 channel stereo.
My 2 cents.


Looking at the type of amplifiers you’ve tried with your Klipsch I agree there is not much to distinguish one from another. Given the level of amplifiers recommended on this thread I do believe they would raise the sound quality level of the Klipsch. This speaker is capable of reflecting better amplification.



Line Magnetic


Pass Lab/First Watt

With all due respect these ’much better’ quality amplifiers would get more out of those speakers than you may realize/appreciate. Just my humble opinion.


Thanks for great response I really appreciate everyone inputs
After reading all the comments 
I narrow it down to this amps 
passlab XA25 first Watts j2 and SIT 3
too bad no balance XLR 
any passlab that has same qualities with  XLR output ?
Raven don’t have any affordable tube amp only integrated I really want to go separates thanks I will the rest out